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SEO Tracking: A Comprehensive Guide

Marketer pointing to graph and showing SEO concept, optimization analysis tools

If you’re a SEO whizz and love nothing more than seeing your website climb Google’s rankings, you might think you know everything there is to know about getting on that lucrative first page. But did you know that SEO tracking – aka monitoring and following your efforts – can make a massive difference in your website’s success? But why does it matter? Grab a cuppa, get comfy, and let’s explore the ins and outs of SEO tracking together!

Why SEO Tracking Matters

Picture this: you’ve poured your heart and soul into optimising your website, but you have no idea if it’s actually working. That’s where SEO tracking comes in! By keeping a close eye on your SEO metrics, you can:

Measure the effectiveness of your SEO strategies

Are your optimisation efforts paying off? SEO tracking helps you figure that out! You can see which strategies are knocking it out of the park and which ones need a bit of TLC. Armed with this knowledge, you can make smart decisions to boost your website’s visibility.

Identify areas for improvement

Nobody’s perfect, and that includes websites; SEO tracking helps you spot those areas that need some extra attention, whether it’s a dip in rankings, a drop in organic traffic, or a sky-high bounce rate. Tracking these metrics allows you to tackle issues head-on, before they impact your rankings.

Stay ahead of the competition

Let’s face it, the online world is a competitive place. By keeping tabs on your SEO performance and comparing it to your rivals, you can gain valuable insights into where you stand, allowing you to tweak your strategies to stay one step ahead of the game.

Key SEO Metrics to Track

Now, let’s talk numbers! Here are the key SEO metrics you should be tracking:

Organic traffic

Organic traffic is a term you’re probably familiar with – this is simply the number of people finding your website through organic search results (aka via Google search as opposed to ads). Tracking organic traffic helps you understand how well your website is attracting visitors from search engines, and whether your visitors are increasing or decreasing.

Keyword rankings

Want to know how visible your website is for specific search terms? Keyword rankings are the way to go; if you’re tracking your rankings over time, you can spot trends and adjust your keyword targeting strategy accordingly.


Backlinks are like virtual high-fives from other websites, and play a big role in determining your website’s authority and search engine rankings. Keeping an eye on your backlink profile helps you identify valuable link-building opportunities and ensure the quality of your existing links.

Bounce rate and time on site

Finally, your bounce rate is equally important; this engagement metric shows how users interact with your website, with a high bounce rate or low time on site potentially meaning that your content isn’t quite hitting the mark. Alternatively, this could also mean that your website has some usability issues that also need looking at.

Setting Up Your SEO Tracking System

SEO concept, optimization analysis tools, search engine rankings

Ready to start tracking your SEO performance? Here’s a step-by-step guide to setting up your tracking system:

1. Install Google Analytics

Google Analytics is like a superhero sidekick for your website, giving you valuable insights into your website’s traffic and user behaviour. Installing Google Analytics on your website is a must for tracking key metrics like organic traffic, bounce rate, and time on site.

2. Set up Google Search Console

Google Search Console is another free tool that helps you keep an eye on your website’s presence in Google search results; it dishes out data on everything from your website’s impressions and clicks, to the average position for specific keywords.

3. Implement rank tracking software

Finally, you’ll potentially also want to invest in rank tracking software, which is a bit like having a virtual assistant for monitoring your keyword rankings across multiple search engines. Some popular options include SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Moz, with each of these tools giving you the inside scoop on your website’s visibility and competitive landscape.

Troubleshooting and Adjusting Strategies

To finish up, SEO tracking isn’t a “set it and forget it” kind of deal; it requires ongoing monitoring and tweaking to ensure your website is performing at its best. If you notice your SEO metrics taking a nosedive, consider the following:

Review your content

Take a good, hard look at your website’s content. Is it high-quality, relevant, and optimised for your target keywords? Give outdated content a refresh to keep it engaging and up-to-date.

Check for technical issues

Technical issues like broken links, sluggish page load times, or mobile usability problems can put a damper on your SEO performance; you should regularly use SEO audit tools to identify and fix these pesky issues.

Adjust your keyword targeting

If your keyword rankings are stuck in a rut, it might be time to rethink your keyword targeting. Roll up your sleeves and do some thorough keyword research to identify new opportunities and fine-tune your existing keyword strategy.

Final Thoughts

All in all, SEO tracking is an essential part of any successful SEO strategy – you can’t just implement a bunch of measures then forget about it! In monitoring key metrics, using the right tools, and continuously adjusting your approach, you can keep your website at the top of its game in search engine rankings.

And if you need some help in tracking your SEO performance, we at Clickslice are passionate about helping businesses like yours succeed in the digital world. As a leading SEO company in Birmingham, we offer a full range of SEO services, including rank tracking, keyword research, technical optimisation, content production and more. So if you’re ready to take your SEO efforts to new heights, book a call with us and find out how we can get your business the results it deserves.

Article by:

Joshua George is the founder of ClickSlice, an SEO Agency based in London, UK.

He has eight years of experience as an SEO Consultant and was recently hired by the UK government for SEO training. Joshua also owns the best-selling SEO course on Udemy, and has taught SEO to over 100,000 students.

His work has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, AgencyAnalytics, Wix and lots more other reputable publications.