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Services/SEO Agency Newcastle

SEO Agency Newcastle

We help Newcastle-based businesses improve their search engine rankings and increase the flow of organic traffic to their websites all through the power of SEO.

We're the #1 SEO Agency in Newcastle

Unlike most SEO agencies in Newcastle, we don’t base the success of a campaign on vanity metrics that look good on paper. Instead, we base the success of your SEO campaign on the increase in organic traffic and more importantly, the additional revenue you start to get from online sales.

As a by-product of our result-driven approach and proven track record, we’ve built quite the reputation amongst businesses in Newcastle, which we’re immensely proud of. If you’d like ClickSlice (and the team behind it) to take charge of your business’s SEO campaign and help you achieve your business objectives, book yourself in for a discovery call using the button below!

Our Search Engine Optimisation Framework

Success in SEO isn’t based on luck and we know this better than anyone. Since 2016, we’ve carefully refined every step of our SEO framework, which has been doing wonders for our existing clients. And the good news is that it’ll work for your business too. It looks something like this:

Audit Your Entire Website

Before your campaign kicks off, our on-page SEO experts will carry out a comprehensive audit of your entire website. The audit is standard practice as it’ll help us not only get to know where your site is currently at in terms of SEO, but I’ll help our team identify opportunities and technical improvements that need to be made.

Resolve All Technical Errors Found

Once the audit of your website is concluded, our on-page team won’t waste any time and will start to resolve all technical errors that were found. Some of the most common technical SEO errors we come across during site audits include duplicate content, broken internal links, misuse of heading tags, and more.

Decrease Your Site's Loading Speed

The Google search engine guidelines clearly state that slow-loading websites will have a more difficult time ranking for their targeted keywords .And rightfully so. Google wants to provide their users with the best possible experience. That’s why we’ll make sure that your website loads as fast as possible across all devices.

Conduct Keyword Research

Proper keyword research is at the heart of every successful SEO campaign. No matter what you do, if you target the wrong keywords, you either won’t or will find it very hard to make SEO a profitable investment. That’s why our keyword research team spends an enormous amount of time finding the right keywords to target for your campaign.

Optimise Existing Content

If you already have plenty of content on your website, we won’t just get rid of it (as most agencies do). Instead, we’ll use it to our advantage. To do that, using our keyword research findings, we’ll optimise your existing content so that it’s in line with the overall SEO strategy.

Write New, High-Quality Content

Once your existing content is optimised, our content strategists will start writing new, high-quality content for both your blog and your target pages. This new content will not only make your potential customers more informed about your product or service, but it’ll also help them make a buying decision and increase your online visibility on the Google search engine results pages (SERPs).

Acquire New Backlinks

Having a solid backlinks profile is crucial for ranking high on Google. This is especially true when it comes to more competitive keywords. Starting in month two of your campaign with us, our link-building experts will begin acquiring new links from high-profile websites in your industry. Over time, those new links will help Google see your website as more trustworthy, and that’ll reflect nicely on your organic search rankings.

Report on Results

On the last day of every month, we will create and send you a performance report of your SEO campaign with us. It’ll outline what your site performance looks like over the last 30 days in terms of impressions, clicks, and traffic, how keywords are performing in the SERPs, what the plan is for the coming month, and more.

Analyse Results & Improve

As the SEO landscape evolves, it’s crucial that we don’t take our eyes off the ball. That’s why every month, we have an internal meeting during which we’ll analyse the performance of your campaign and if we feel like it’s necessary, we’ll make small adjustments to your overall SEO strategy. That’s one of the ways we go above and beyond for our clients and ensure they get the best results possible each month.

Meet Our SEO Experts

Over 15 industry-leading SEO experts work at ClickSlice (you can see their faces to the right). From link builders and keyword researchers to content strategists and technical SEO experts, we have a specialist for every aspect of your SEO campaign.

That way, you can focus on building your business, while our team takes care of the rest and ensures that your SEO campaign becomes ROI-positive as soon as possible. You’ll also get to meet the team that’ll be responsible for your campaign during the onboarding call, and will have the chance to talk to each one (they’re all pretty awesome people).

No Lock-in Contracts - Enjoy Risk-Free SEO

While most SEO agencies lock their clients into 6 to 18-month contracts to protect their bottom line, we don’t. We prefer to take on all the risk and let the results we get you do the talking. By not locking our clients into contracts, we have to keep pushing ourselves every month to keep you around. Having taken this approach for over 6 years, it has worked wonderfully for all parties involved.

So, if you’d like to take full advantage of all the benefits that come with SEO without taking on all the risk of paying for a service you don’t benefit from, click the button below, and let’s have a chat.

FAQs About Our SEO Services in Newcastle

If people go on search engines like Google to find a solution, fill a need, or get their hands on a product/service that your business is offering, then your business can benefit from investing in SEO. Below, we’ll list a handful of types of businesses that are currently getting new customers organically all through the power of SEO:

  • eCommerce brands
  • Hotels, restaurants, and cafes
  • Butchers, dog groomers, and mechanics
  • Hair transplant surgeons, dentists, and therapists
  • Fitness and nutrition coaches
  • Manufacturing facilities

And the list goes on and on. If after reading this you’re still not sure whether or not your Newcastle business can benefit from SEO, get in touch and we’ll help you get an idea of what’s possible for your business.

How fast you start to see results from your campaign once we implement all SEO strategies will depend on your business and a variety of ranking factors. Some such factors include:

  • How competitive the keywords that we want to target are
  • The age of the domain your site is hosted on
  • The size and overall quality of your site’s backlinks profile
  • The quality and quantity of relevant content on your site

And these are just a handful of them. The good news is that we’re in control of most ranking factors, which means that the actions we take will have a direct impact on the rankings of your existing site. On average, the average business we work with starts to see an uplift in traffic within a few months, but it’s not until the later stages of the campaign that the real results start to kick in.

What you need to know is that SEO is a long-term play, and that results compound. That’s why the beginning is always slow, but eventually, you really take notice of the positive impacts it’s having on your business.

One thing we’re immensely proud of is being fully transparent with our clients. And one area that requires absolute transparency is reporting on progress. That’s why we’ve gone through the effort of providing you with three different touch points when it comes to reporting.

The first one is your campaign’s monthly performance report. We will send you this report at the end of every month, and inside, you’ll find all the key information you need to be aware of. It includes how and which keywords are performing, how much your impressions, clicks, and traffic have grown, what our plan of action is for the next 30 days, and more.

The second touchpoint is the quarterly review calls. Every 3rd month, we like to get on a call with our clients and walk them through all the details so they can clearly see the progress that we’ve made over the last quarter. During this time, we’ll also share with you what our plan of action is for the next three months.

And lastly, you’ll have your very own dashboard, which you can log into 24/7, 365. There, you will see the progress your campaign is making in real time. Data like keyword performance, organic traffic growth, and more will be available to you around the clock.

As is the case with everything in life, there are no guarantees in SEO. That said, we’ve been in business for over 6+ years and have never not gotten our clients results.

That said, as we mentioned in the previous FAQs, how fast your campaign moves and the results it will generate will be very dependent on your business and the different ranking factors that come into play.

What we will say is that before signing you on as a client, we will make things abundantly clear, so you know exactly what you’re signing up for. When SEO is done right, all you need to do is be patient, and the results will start coming in.

While we can’t speak for any other digital marketing agencies in Newcastle upon Tyne, what we can do is give you an insight into what our current clients are paying for us to do their SEO. At ClickSlice, we work with both small businesses that only require local SEO as well as large enterprises that require a more comprehensive and tailored approach.

As a result, we work with businesses that spend anywhere from a few thousand pounds per month, all the way to six figures per year. Ultimately, the cost of your SEO campaign with ClickSlice will depend on the deliverables that you need to see success in SEO.

If you’d like us to give you a quote for our SEO services, please get in touch with us. And don’t worry – there’s no pressure to say yes.

Having helped dozens of Newcastle-based businesses rank higher on Google over the last 6 years, it’s become very clear to us what obstacles the average business in the area faces in today’s digital landscape.

However, just because we know what the market is like, that doesn’t mean you should choose us. You should choose ClickSlice because we practice what we preach. The only reason you’re reading this right now is because we rank high enough on Google for you to find us.

And our goal is to do the same for you. That way, when potential customers go on Google to search for products or services that are relevant to what you have to offer, they’ll come across you and take your business into consideration.