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Top 10 Essential Digital PR Tools

hand fills the last missing elements of the surface from the jigsaw puzzle

As London’s top PR agency, we at Clickslice understand the importance of leveraging the right tools to enhance our public relations efforts. It’s simple – in today’s digital landscape, having a robust toolkit is absolutely key when it comes to maximising outreach, boosting engagement, and guaranteeing overall campaign success. So, what are the must-have PR tools for 2024? Let’s take a look.

The Evolution of Digital PR Tools

Over the years, the field of public relations has undergone a significant transformation: with the advent of digital technologies and the rise of social media, traditional PR strategies have evolved to keep pace with the changing landscape. Alongside this transformation, digital PR tools have emerged and evolved, with new technologies allowing PR professionals like us to streamline our workflows, monitor online conversations, and engage with target audiences more effectively.

Importance of Using Digital PR Tools

In the fast-paced world of digital PR, efficiency and effectiveness are key. By leveraging the right tools, PR professionals can:

  • Streamline their workflows and save time
  • Monitor online conversations and track brand mentions
  • Identify influencers and build relationships
  • Measure the impact of PR campaigns
  • Stay ahead of industry trends and competitors

Criteria for Selecting Digital PR Tools

When choosing digital PR tools, it’s essential to consider several factors to ensure they align with your specific needs and goals. Some key criteria to keep in mind include:

  • Functionality and features
  • Ease of use and user interface
  • Integration with other tools and platforms
  • Pricing and budget considerations
  • Customer support and resources

Essential Digital PR Tools: Overview

a hand holding a megaphone depicting a tool used for public relations

Now, let’s dive into the top 10 essential digital PR tools that can help you elevate your PR game.


Meltwater is a comprehensive media monitoring and analytics platform that allows you to track online mentions, analyse sentiment, and identify influencers. With its powerful AI-driven insights, Meltwater helps you stay on top of industry trends and make data-driven decisions.


Cision is an all-in-one PR software that offers a range of features, including media monitoring, press release distribution, and influencer identification. Its extensive media database and analytics capabilities make it a go-to tool for PR professionals.


Hootsuite is a social media management platform that enables you to schedule posts, monitor conversations, and engage with your audience across multiple social networks. Plus, its collaboration features make it ideal for PR teams working together on campaigns.

Google Alerts

Here’s one you probably know already: Google Alerts. Google Alerts is a free tool that allows you to monitor the web for specific keywords or phrases related to your brand or industry. When you set up alerts, you’re able to stay informed about online mentions and quickly respond to any relevant conversations.


Another great tool for identifying key influencers in your niche, BuzzSumo is a content research and influencer-finder tool that helps you discover the most popular content in your industry, as well as those best positioned to promote your brand. Its insights can inform your content strategy and help you build relationships with influential individuals.


Used mostly for search engine optimisation efforts, Ahrefs is a comprehensive SEO and backlink analysis tool that can also be valuable for anyone in PR; it allows you to track your brand’s online presence, analyse competitor backlinks, and identify potential link-building opportunities.

HARO (Help a Reporter Out)

HARO is a platform that connects journalists with expert sources; all you need to do is sign up as a source, and you can respond to relevant media queries and potentially secure media coverage for your brand or clients.


Used for graphic design and social media promotion, Canva is a user-friendly design tool that allows you to create visually appealing images and infographics for your PR campaigns. Its drag-and-drop interface and extensive template library make it easy to create professional-looking visuals without needing design expertise – and it’s highly affordable, only £12.99 per month for a single-user account.


Now onto email marketing, Mailchimp is an email marketing platform that can be used for PR purposes, whether it be sending press releases, newsletters, or pitch emails. What’s great about Mailchimp is its automation features and templates, which make it easy to create and send targeted email campaigns.


Finally, CoverageBook is a PR reporting tool that helps you showcase the impact of your PR efforts; with a user-friendly interface, it allows you to collate and beautify media coverage, generate reports, and measure the ROI of your campaigns.

Final Thoughts

At Clickslice, we pride ourselves on staying at the forefront of digital PR trends and leveraging the most effective tools to deliver exceptional results for our clients. By incorporating these essential digital PR tools into your strategy, you can streamline your workflows, enhance your outreach efforts, and drive meaningful engagement with your target audiences.

If you’re looking for a partner to elevate your PR game, look no further than us at Clickslice! Our team understands the dynamics of PR and content production, and can help you harness the power of digital PR to achieve your goals. So if you’re ready to boost your brand and see real-time PR results, book a discovery call with us today!

Article by:

Joshua George is the founder of ClickSlice, an SEO Agency based in London, UK.

He has eight years of experience as an SEO Consultant and was recently hired by the UK government for SEO training. Joshua also owns the best-selling SEO course on Udemy, and has taught SEO to over 100,000 students.

His work has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, AgencyAnalytics, Wix and lots more other reputable publications.